Our Services

Learning Modules


Choose a category and click below.

Let us know what type of session you are interested in and we will be in touch to discuss the session plan and any particular learning modules of interest.

Private Session

Our most common option for individuals or small groups wanting to learn skills and gain knowledge in bushcraft and wilderness living. We will discuss any session with you before booking to tailor the experience best to your interests or previous experience. We can guide you through this by suggesting learning modules that may suit your interests.

Family Session

A typical family session will involve work with fire, shelter, flora identification, water, cooking and navigation. With younger children there is also the option to bring in elements of arts and games with a focus on providing opportunities for nature connection. Like any of our courses, will discuss the day with you prior to booking in order to best match your interests.

Carousel Session

Predominantly for larger groups of 10-20, a range of activities are laid out for groups of 3-5 to cycle between over the course of the session. These sessions are designed for parties, festivals, special occasions and clubs. For example, this works fantastically for the Brownie Skill Builder Camp Stage Two for leaders who are lacking confidence, the background knowledge or facilities to run these activities themselves.

Team Session

Focusing on getting people to work together cohesively, sessions use many of the core skills of bushcraft but in ways that encourage collaboration. A popular module and good example would be group bow-drill friction fire which, instead of attempting alone, gives integral roles to 4 or 5 people who need to work together to achieve an ember.